Monday, January 31, 2005

Eating Good!

The other thing I love about living here is the food. Let's start with bread. Fresh bread is made everyday, at every store! I love it. For supper a few minutes ago I had some fresh bread rolls, some cheese off of a block, and part of a sausage log. It was excellent. I purchased this for about four dollars, and have plenty enough for tomorrow also. Talk about a good deal!

Oatmeal is fairly easy to make, and they sell bags of rolled oats (not instant, but real) very cheaply. I haven't quite gotten the hang of not burning the oats in the morning, but it cleans up pretty easily. Say, how long are you supposed to cook regular oats for, anyway? I looked at the directions, but they weren't much help. You know, being in Czech and all.

I also enjoy making carrots. Man, I make a killer batch of boiled carrots! They sell them pretty clean, so I just have to rinse them off, chunk them, and boil them. Cheap, healthy, and tasty! Rice is the same way. That's been a staple at our flat. I've been using terriaki (yeah, I can't spell) sauce to flavor things a little. I found some honey, slightly expensive, but pretty good. Honey bread, mmm. Is there anything better?

Ben and I have our own rooms at the flat, which works out fairly well. I sleep in the sitting room, where we would entertain guests (if we had any). And Ben sleeps in the kitchen. It makes midnight snacks a little tricky, but I've been incredibly tired every night this week, so that hasn't been too much of a problem. Ben usually sleeps through (or tolerates) me making breakfast in the morning. It works out quite well.

In His Time,

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