Sunday, July 24, 2005

Peachy Keen - Literally!

So, I think peaches are the most amazing, fantastic, wonderful, perfect, flavorburstingfull fruit in the whole wide world.

Now, I'm not talking about those cardboard, store-bought peaches. No, I'm talking about real peaches, the kind you pick off of a tree in an orchard, in southern Indiana. Because that's what we have, courtesy of three of my sisters and my dad.

Saturday morning, while I was working at Delta, they made the hour-an-a-half trip down to Hanover, to a special orchard. I always know when it's time to make the trip, because it's the Saturday directly following the Friday night last performance of Solid Rock.

Yes, the past two years I parted tearfully from my SR friends, and then woke up at five the next morning to pick peaches. This year, while still tearfully missing those excellent SR'ers, I passed the job on to my younger siblings. When I returned from work Saturday afternoon, I was able to reap the benefit of their labor, savoring one luscious peach after another.

They keep telling me that if you eat too many peaches, or too much of any fruit, for that matter, that you will develop a severe case of diarrhea, or a stomach ache. Continuing (as I have for the past 18 years of my life) to belive that this is an old wives tale concocted to protect peach reserves, I have eaten at least twenty in the past two days.

So far, I have been quite healthy. And my chin has been drippin'!

In His Time,

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