Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Day Three of the "Fanless Saga"

So, 281 was running again this morning, and thus they had recovered their fan for their own use. That left us on 253, once again, fanless.
Usually it's a bit cooler in the mornings, and thus more bearable in the factory. This morning, however, started out quite warm. In addition, I felt as though I had not gotten the full benefit of the eight hours I had actually slept.
All this combined to make me feel as though I was working through a blanket, both physically and mentally. The one good thing from being 1/4 asleep was that my time sense was waaay off (you know how you never know how much time has passed while you were dreaming? yeah, that was happening while I was awake), so break came pretty fast. Break at 8:30, during which time I ate, made me feel much better.
Also, 281 broke down again. Thus, we were able to borrow their fan once again. This small addition made the rest of the morning and afternoon livable.

I'm still working on what God is speaking to me through this experience. It may be that He's just teaching me to stop whining, I can take whatever He dishes to me. After all, He does know what I can take, better than I do.

I'm kinda sad this evening, Solid Rock is performing in North Vernon, which is the closest they will be getting to my house, aside from being in Cincy. I, however, still don't have a license due to bureacratic snafus. And since I don't have a ride to take me, I am posting here instead of seeing all my favorite SR'ers again this evening.
God and I did quite a bit of talking about this today. I was still hoping a ride might show up. The conclusion I kept coming back to was, "God, I really do want to be where You are more than where my friends are. If You are going to be at home for me, then that's definitely where I want to be. I just still really miss my SR friends......Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing some of them this fall in college, but I miss them now! I still love you more, though, God."
In His Time,

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