Sunday, July 17, 2005

Joeletter 12.2

As you have probably guessed, I've been busy. 'Nuff said.

Work has been hot. Now, I realize this probably isn't a shock to you, as I have said the same thing in each of my other Joeletters. The difference between the hot of the past, and the hot of the present, is rain.

Don't get me wrong. We really need the rain. It's been too dry, and all our fields really need the drink. But, that means that more moisture is present in the air. The same moisture that makes Indiana green also makes it humid. Work has been a little more difficult because of the humidity this week, and it's not looking to get any better in the week to come.

I was reminded on this past Monday how fleeting our life is, and how seemingly random it can be. Without God, it'd be pretty depressing.

One of my co-workers, a good friend of mine, didn't show up on Monday morning. Another co-worker asked if I'd heard about her. Of course, I hadn't. She went on to say that Julia* was in surgery that morning, Monday. Apparently, Julia's heart had stopped two or three times on Saturday, incorrectly following instructions from her brain.
*Name changed to protect privacy ~ {I get to write fun stuff like that now!}

She was in surgery last Monday to install a pacemaker. Fortunately the surgery went smoothly, if a little longer than planned. All seems to be fine now, and Julia is at home healing up.

I remained a little shaken, though. I was not prepared to lose contact with Julia like that. She had been planning to work two or three more weeks. Then, all of a sudden, she's gone. I was reminded how little control we have over our "own" lives. As another co-worker mentioned to me, we are about 1/16th of an inch away from disaster every second of our lives. Of course, this is disaster from our perspective, not God's. But it's still disaster to us, nonetheless.

Another co-worker, Sandy*, worked at the same station as me, putting pieces on racks. Along with fun, we had some really wonderful conversations that helped the day move along. Somewhat out of the blue, she gets moved to another area. While close, and I can still see her some, it's definitely different. I have so little control over the people who move in and out of my life.
*You guessed it

It would be depressing. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother . . .

This past Friday was wonderful. All last week the Solid Rock program has been at the CCU campus, practicing this year's program. Friday night they held their first performance, in the CCU worship building. A large part of my family went down with me to watch.

Oh, how I miss Solid Rock. I miss all the people, all the fun, all the music. And all the people. They are so loving. If I can finagle a ride, I may be able to see them one more time in concert this week. They have a really nice program this year. On Wednesday they will be in North Vernon, and on Friday their last program will be in Cincinnati. I sure hope I will be able to get down there one more time. Say do any of you want to drive down and take me with you?

I see-saw back and forth on working in a factory for the next 55 years. On some days, the really bad days, I am completely against it. Other days, the good days, I think, "Hm, yeah, I could stand to do this for living if I needed too." We'll see.

Next Monday, right after work, I go in for a physical. Apparently CCU wants to be sure that I won't die in the first semester. Fun fun fun!

In other news, my church is having VBS this week. My eldest sister is attending Church Camp. I'm working. That's about it.

I keep trying to write something, but it keeps not working out, not flowing. I have three different thoughts that I am trying to synthesize, and apparently I am too tired to make that happen. I should take that as a warning for college!

So I will write it later. Speaking of college, I'm getting really excited!!!!! Some of my Solid Rock friends will be attending, and I'm really looking forward to spending an entire year with them.

I looked at cell phones last night. I would like to have one, along with service and lots of free minutes, plus free texting, and a camera and the ability to be used as a modem. Does anybody feel like making that happen for me? Right now, I keep telling God what I want. He's listening, and getting ready to act, in His good time. Just one more way to know Him better - keep talking with Him about cell phones.

Oh, exciting. I just recently started posting to a Xanga as well as to my blog. I post the same things, but if it's more convenient to you to use Xanga, that is now available. An added plus, Xanga offers a free subscription service, so you can be e-mailed whenever I post. And remember, I try to post extra things to my blog and Xanga that aren't in The Joeletter.

So here are those links that should be in your favorites list:


In His Time,

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Hi Joel,
Always enjoy hearing what's going on with you. I'm glad you are having good days at the factory - I know the heat and humidity make it harder to enjoy some days. I would volunteer to take you to the Solid Rock performance - but am working VBS. Hope it works out for you though. I also hope your cell phone comes about - God does do amazing things. God Bless, my friend.