Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A factory career

So, I've heard from many people that they hated their factory experience. And that it helped them work hard in college. And that's fantastic.

But I honestly don't hate working in a factory. Or, at least, I don't hate my current job. Which, right now, is the same thing. It's a whole lot of work, and the heat has been very tough. But, really, the job itself isn't so bad.

Since my first day, I've been asking myself, "Is this something that I could do for the rest of my working life?" The answer I've arrived at is, Yes. I could, if need be, work in a factory for the rest of my life. That said, I would be just as happy not working in a factory for the rest of my life. I have really come to appreciate how much time is spent working. And how much free time students have! I'm really looking forward to college.

I believe that all students should spend some time, at least one summer, working at a job like this. I have really come to appreciate the value of money, and appreciate even more the gifts that people have given me over the years. Experiencing the work that went into that gift makes it even more precious.

Speaking of experiencing, how have you been doing experiencing God lately? Just as I knew about the work that went into earning a living, it is so easy for us to simply know about God. This kind of knowing, however, does nothing. It does not change us, it makes no demands upon us. It's just 'there.'

But when we experience God, through meeting with Him in Listening Prayer, and His constant presence, it's the difference between life and death. Seeking to know Him as real, to experience Him as a true presence in our lives, lays down demands upon us. These demands are the simplest thing in the world ... and the toughest. Without Jesus doing all the work, we are not strong enough. When we submit and obey what He is saying to us in this moment, for this instant, He changes us.

There is total freedom in simply living to know God more intimately. And to know Him more intimately, you have to first experience Him as real. You may have to give up some things to follow Him. In fact, I guarentee you will. At least your pride. Also, your self-esteem. You'll have to give up other people's approval. And I would believe it if you needed to give up some of the 'stuff' you have. Knowing Jesus intimately is pricey. But I assure you, it's sooooo worth the cost. At least, He thought so.

In His Time,

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You're so wise Joel, I am glad God is teaching you so much. I am also happy to see you continue your blog. Hope you maintain your love for the factory, it sounds whacky but it is good that you are appreciating the now instead of searching for something later.