A picture came up on my computer desktop that grabbed my attention. It was so . . . peaceful. I kinda want to go backpacking now. Enjoy these with me.
Peace to you
"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." Psalm 42:7
1 comment:
Hello Joel!
Mark and I had the pleasure of spending time with your mom and dad one evening this week. We went to Batesville Church of Christ to hear Dr Pressley speak about Heaven.
Anyway, we went for pizza afterward and they asked if I had read your blog lately. I had not but was anxious to after they said you had posted some good stuff.
So I just spent the last little while catching up with what you've posted since I was last here.
Good stuff!! It does my heart so good to see how you are growing in your faith and your "passion" for the Lord. I was very inspired by what I read here.
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I miss you. Glad to be able to hear what's going on in your life and even happier to know God is first. Hope to see you again soon.
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