Today went very well. Last night melk drove down to Louisville, KY, to take part in the North Bullitt Christian Church service this morning. We played three songs, and performed a short sketch exemplifying how we spend time on so many other things, but neglect time with God. On both the way down and the way back we had some excellent time to talk with each other, sharing stories and laughter.
But the real reason I am posting is the sermon that I got to hear at the church. It was pretty much about just encountering Jesus and being changed by Him. It was great! I’d like to share some thoughts that came out of that.
Are you obedient, or holy? God calls us in
1 Peter 1:15-16, as well as in several other places, to be holy because He is holy. Obedience to God is not merely maintaining the status quo in following Him, but also doing whatever He asks. Obedience is good. But, you can train a dog to be obedient! Holiness is something different.
Now, I had learned this verse about being holy because God is holy growing up. As I had pondered it I had never really come to any concrete conclusion as to what it was to be holy because (and as) God is holy. I knew the definition of holy is “Something set apart.” But what did that mean for me? I just figured that it must be different for each person, and for different times of life. And this is true. But today, as the preacher was speaking, God gave a simple new explanation to me.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites were supposed to be a people holy to the Lord. They were set apart from their neighbors by the Law God gave them. Their dietary restrictions, the clean and unclean things, the feasts and complete dependence on God, all set them apart as the Lord’s people. Within the Israelites, the Levites were set apart to the service of the Lord. The things that made them holy were their external actions, their obedience to God’s Law.
For us, under the New Covenant of Jesus’ blood that brings us each into personal communion with God, things are a little different. We don’t have lists of rules that tell us how to be holy as God is holy. Instead of being set apart physically from all the sin and people around us, we are rather called to be set apart in our hearts. To be holy is to have a heart that is set apart for Just One Thing. Now, I realize that sounds a little simple. “Duh, Joel.” Yeah, the pursuit of God is simple – a child can understand it. But it’s not easy.
This is really, I’m realizing, just another facet of the same principle that I learned in Deeper. The question that I learned there was, “What do I need to do to be more intimate with God today?” This question is, “What do I need to do for my heart to be set apart to God today?” It’s the same question, just asked with different words. For our hearts, and thus our whole selves, to be set apart to God . . . wow. Lord that I would be caught up in You.
It’s time for me to go through the Psalms again. I had been in Genesis with Joseph, Exodus with Israel and God, then Deuteronomy being impressed with God’s awesome ultimate holiness, and how all of His decrees are for the purpose of bringing glory to Himself. Now, as I pour my heartcry out to God, it’s time to be in the Psalms again.
Psalm 62:5-8.
-- philosophizing on returning home --
It’s kinda funny, returning home this time. My family is gone in Nebraska right now, visiting relatives and competing in the Nebraska Christian College Bible Bowl tournament. So I have time to contemplate. This house that I grew up in, will soon not be my home anymore.
The dogwood tree out front is budding; it will bloom soon. The crocuses are coming up; they’ll be red and yellow when they blossom. Little things are changing, being moved around in the house, rearranged to serve my family without me. It’s a little bittersweet. I am in the correct time of life for me now, but I’m not with my family. I’m not with them as they experience life, not able to share in the joys and sorrows like I could if I were here all the time. My little brother misses me something awful, and I’d say it’s a safe bet my sisters miss me too. I know Mom and Dad do. When I’m off at school or wherever else I am, I hardly give them a thought, caught up in what I’m doing, what I’m responsible for. I think that’s because I know that they are all here at home, and I will see them again. I’m not worried about never seeing them again, I just move in and out of my house and they move in and out of my life. Coming home reminds me they are still here – and that they won’t be for very much longer.
What a strange thing time is. It keeps moving onward. Why was I placed at exactly this place in time? Why was I blessed with exactly these parents, these siblings, and these advantages in life? I have been given the heritage of those who fear God’s name;&version=31;. I have been blessed in exceeding measure. There is a measure of sadness in the fact that never again will I be a part of my family in quite the same way. What does God have for me?
I want to protect my sisters, share with them things that I’m learning, and share their lives, because I love them. They have been given to me as people who share my life, people who love me, people who I want the best for. Sure they get a little annoying at times, but I dearly want good for them, not evil. I want to protect them, smooth the way for them, have fun with them. Maybe I should take them on a picnic. That would be fun. I love my sisters. And there is so much of their lives that I’m missing. Soon they will be gone, and I will see them less and less. Such a strange thing time is, going on and on, slowly separating some people. Have I been a good brother? What must I do to be a good brother now, so that I don’t look back on this time of life and grieve for opportunities I missed.